Tu t'es fait une entorse au mollet? Tu te sens mieux avec ces conseils de traitement et ces exercices approuvés par le Physiothérapeute.

Apprends les symptômes et les causes courantes d'une élongation du mollet et comment la traiter à l'Accueil, notamment avec des exercices proposés par des Physiothérapeute.

Date de Publication: Apr 12, 2024
Le sommaire

Tu as peut-être été un peu trop fort sur le terrain de pickleball. Ou bien tu es allé un peu plus loin que prévu lors de ta course du week-end. Quelle qu'en soit la cause, tu as peut-être remarqué une Douleur ou une gêne dans ton mollet pendant ton activité ou immédiatement après. 

Ce type de Douleur au mollet est souvent dû à une élongation du mollet, ou à un muscle du mollet froissé. C'est courant et cela se résout généralement tout seul, rassure Kristin Vinci, Physiothérapeute, DPT, Physiothérapeute chez Hinge Health. Mais il y a des choses que tu peux faire pour accélérer ton rétablissement.

Lis la suite pour en savoir plus sur les élongations du mollet, ce qui les provoque et comment les traiter, notamment grâce aux exercices de nos Physiothérapeute de Hinge Health. 

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Nos experts de Hinge Health

Kristin Vinci, PT, DPT
Le Dr Vinci est un Physiothérapeute de Hinge Health qui s'intéresse particulièrement à l'orthopédie, à la Chronique Douleur, et à la réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience.
Jonathan Lee, MD, MBA
Chirurgien orthopédique et réviseur médical
Le Dr Lee est un chirurgien orthopédique certifié et un ancien directeur médical associé d'Hinge Health.
Dylan Peterson, PT, DPT
Physiothérapeute et réviseur clinique
Le Dr Peterson est un ancien physiothérapeute ( Hinge Health ) qui s'est concentré sur le développement d'un programme de thérapie clinique par l'exercice et sur l'éducation des membres.

What Is a Calf Strain?

A calf strain occurs when one or two of the muscles in your calf — the soleus or gastrocnemius — gets stretched to the point that results in a microtear in the muscle, causing pain. Calf strains can vary in severity, ranging from a very small, minor tear to a larger one. “Calf strains often happen when you jump or change directions quickly,” says Dr. Vinci. 

Symptoms of a Calf Strain

Calf strains can cause a variety of symptoms, including: 

  • Sudden onset of pain. When you strain your calf, you’ll often know immediately. “There’s usually a very clear moment when you’re doing an activity and feel a sharp sudden pain, or sometimes even just sudden soreness,” says Dr. Vinci. The pain usually improves once you stop the activity.

  • Swelling, redness, and/or bruising of your calf muscle. This usually indicates a more significant calf strain, notes Dr. Vinci.

  • Pain or soreness when you tense your calf muscles, stand on your toes, point your toes, or flex your ankle.

Calf Strain: A Hinge Health Perspective

Calf strains happen when the calf muscle over extends (or over stretches) and tears. And while hearing that you’ve “torn” something in your body can sound alarming, your muscles — especially the big muscle groups in your legs — are very resilient and designed to recover from these kinds of issues that naturally can happen in the course of everyday activities or during exercise.

If you’re reluctant to move because you think you’ll cause more pain or injury to your calf, know this: Movement is often the fastest way to healing. As our Hinge Health care team says, movement is medicine. The reason: You want your calf muscles to remain flexible and stretched to prevent the muscle tightness that can lead to a calf strain. In order to do that, you need to engage in exercises that support your healing and strengthen your muscles to help prevent future calf injuries.

This is why Hinge Health physical therapists recommend a new pain relief approach that offers a more comprehensive plan than the traditional R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method. Instead of rest, PEACE & LOVE encourages movement as you heal. The PEACE part, which is done for two to three days following an injury, like a calf strain, stands for:

  • Protect the injured calf by scaling back on activities that cause pain in the first few days after injury — but don’t avoid movement entirely. 

  • Elevate the injured leg above your heart to reduce swelling.

  • Adjust anti-inflammatories, like ibuprofen. It’s best to limit their use, as high doses can impact tissue healing. But if you’re in a lot of pain or your symptoms are limiting your function and movement, talk to your doctor about whether it’s safe for you to use them. 

  • Compression. If it hurts to move the injured calf, a gentle compression wrap may help for the first few days or weeks after injury. Just make sure you exercise without the wrap as you strengthen the affected area. 

  • Education. Listen to your body. It will tell you when an activity is too much for your calf muscles. A physical therapist can help you tune in to these clues, too.

A few days after your calf strain, Dr. Vinci recommends that you work on LOVE:

  • Load the injured area by gradually returning to normal activities, using pain as your guide. Know that some pain during or after activity is okay, but your pain should not exceed an acceptable level for you. At the gym, this may look like starting back with less weight when you do certain moves.

  • Optimism. It’s natural to get discouraged when you’re injured, but maintaining the belief that you have the capacity to heal and can return to meaningful activities is a critical component of healing. Simply believing that you will get better really does matter.

  • Vascularization means increasing blood flow to the injured area by engaging in exercise you can handle. This may even reduce the need for pain medication.  

  • Exercise, or an active approach to recovery, restores mobility and strength. You can use pain as a guide to gradually progress your exercise and increase difficulty. For new-onset acute pain, a physical therapist can evaluate you and rule out anything before recommending independent exercise, says Dr. Vinci. You can see a physical therapist in person or use a program like Hinge Health to access a PT via telehealth/video visit.

Calf Strain: Common Causes

Pulled calf muscles are common and can happen to anyone. “We see them often with high-impact activities where you change direction quickly, like running, tennis, soccer, or football,” says Dr. Vinci. Other possible causes of a calf strain include: 

  • Age. Research suggests that people over the age of 40, especially men, may be more susceptible to a calf strain. This may just be due to normal age-related changes in the muscle, says Dr. Vinci. If you’ve had a previous calf strain, you’re also more likely to develop one again. While you can’t change your age, there is a lot you can do to address other risk factors by staying active and keeping calf muscles strong.

  • Weak muscles. “When you develop a calf strain, it’s often due to the demands of the activity overloading the calf muscle,” explains Dr. Vinci. “Working on calf strength can reduce your risk of a strain when exercising at higher intensities.”

Treatment Options for Calf Strains

Calf strains can be uncomfortable and feel limiting. But an injury doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t) keep you from your usual routine or doing the activities you love. You can take a few steps to help your calf muscles heal:

  • Ice. Icing sore calf muscles can help reduce inflammation associated with a calf strain. Ice the calf area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, around four times a day. After a few days, you might find that heat feels better, which increases circulation and blood flow to the area.

  • Elevate. Raise your calf above your heart as much as possible to reduce pain and swelling.

  • Stay active. If a specific activity irritates your calf muscle, scale back or use assistive devices to help tolerate the activity better (like one crutch on the non-painful side to help you walk). It’s important to still do activities that keep your calves moving, like some of the exercises in the section below. “You want to get blood flow to the area,” points out Dr. Vinci. As discomfort subsides, you’ll be able to gradually return to normal activities.

  • Heel lifts. These are inserts that temporarily go inside your shoes to slightly elevate the heel and decrease the stretch of your calf muscles as you walk, reducing pain.

  • Physical therapy. If a calf strain persists or recurs, then a course of physical therapy may be in order. Your physical therapist (PT) can do a gait analysis to see if anything in your walking or running form is contributing to your calf strain, says Dr. Vinci. A PT can also look for muscle imbalances or weaknesses. You can see a physical therapist in person or use a program like Hinge Health to access a PT via telehealth/video visit.

There’s no set calf strain recovery time. Most people recover fully from a minor calf strain within about two to three weeks. A more severe strain may take longer.

  • Flexions de chevilles
  • Posture sur une jambe
  • Lever les mollets en position debout
  • Flexion des ischio-jambiers debout
💡Did you know?

Physical therapy (PT) is for more than just recovering from surgery or injury. It’s one of the top treatments for joint and muscle pain. It helps build strength, improve mobility, and reduce pain. And it doesn't always need to be in person.

Hinge Health members can conveniently access customized plans or chat with their care team at home or on the go — and experience an average 68% reduction in pain* within the first 12 weeks of their program. Learn more*.

Le renforcement et l'étirement des muscles du mollet sont des éléments importants du traitement de la Douleur au mollet. Les exercices suivants sont recommandés par les Physiothérapeute de Hinge Health. Et n'oublie pas : comme tous les muscles de tes jambes travaillent ensemble, assure-toi d'étirer et de renforcer également les autres muscles des jambes, comme les quadriceps et les ischio-jambiers.

Les informations contenues dans ces vidéos sont destinées à une utilisation à des fins éducatives uniquement et ne constituent pas un conseil ou un traitement médical pour un problème de santé précis. Hinge Health n'est pas ton prestataire de soins de santé et n'est pas responsable des blessures ou de toute aggravation de blessures que ton application de ces exercices pourrait causer. Consulte ton prestataire de soins pour toute question concernant ton état de santé ou ton traitement.

Astuce Physiothérapeute : S'habituer à de nouvelles chaussures

Si tu t'habitues à une nouvelle paire de chaussures de sport, le Dr Vinici te recommande de faire tes exercices à une intensité légèrement inférieure à la normale. "Si tu changes de chaussures d'entraînement, cela peut avoir un impact sur la position de ton pied, ce qui, à son tour, peut exercer une pression sur tes mollets", Points-t-elle. En commençant à une intensité plus faible, tes pieds peuvent s'habituer aux nouvelles chaussures et toutes les parties de ton corps - y compris tes mollets - seront plus heureuses.

Comment Hinge Health peut t'aider

Si tu souffres de Douleur articulaires ou musculaires qui t'empêchent de bouger, tu peux obtenir le soulagement que tu cherchais grâce au programme de Thérapie par le mouvement en ligne de Hinge Health.

Le meilleur dans tout ça : Tu n'as pas besoin de quitter ton Accueil car notre programme est numérique. Cela signifie que tu peux facilement obtenir les soins dont tu as besoin grâce à notre appli, quand et où cela te convient. 

Grâce à notre programme, tu auras accès à des exercices thérapeutiques et à des étirements adaptés à ton état. De plus, tu auras une Équipe de soins cliniques qui te Guide, te soutiendra et adaptera notre programme à tes besoins.

Vois si tu as droit à Hinge Health et confirme la couverture gratuite par ton employeur ou ton régime d'avantages sociauxici.

Cet article et son contenu sont fournis à des fins éducatives et informatives uniquement et ne constituent pas des conseils médicaux ou des services professionnels spécifiques à toi ou concernant ton état de santé.

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  1. Dubois, B. et Esculier, J.-F. (2019). Soft-tissue Injuries Simply Need PEACE and LOVE. Journal britannique de médecine sportive, 54(12). doi : 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101611

  2. Green, B., & Pizzari, T. (2017). Traumatismes musculaires du mollet dans le sport : un examen systématique des facteurs de risque de blessure. Journal britannique de médecine sportive, 51(23), 1679–1687. doi : 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096178

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  5. Rainbow, C. R., & Fields, K. B. (2021, 25 août). Blessures au mollet n'impliquant pas le tendon d'Achille. UpToDate. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/calf-injuries-not-involving-the-achilles-tendon