Member playing with child after Hinge Health

Nous créons un nouveau système de soins de santé. Un projet qui s'articule autour de toi.

Member playing with child after Hinge Health

Notre histoire

Daniel Perez et Gabriel Mecklenburg ont fondé Hinge Health en 2014 dans le but de rendre accessibles à tous des soins musculosquelettiques (MSK) de haute qualité.

Dan et Gabe ont tous deux des antécédents de blessures musculosquelettiques. Dan s’est cassé plusieurs os dans un accident de vélo et Gabe s’est déchiré le ligament croisé antérieur lors d’un combat de judo. Tous deux ont subi une chirurgie et effectué 12 mois de réadaptation fonctionnelle. La frustration qu'ils ont ressentie tout au long de leur rétablissement les a incités à lancer Hinge Health.

Ce que nous faisons chez Hinge Health

We believe a joyful life hinges on your ability to move freely

We’ve built a new kind of digital clinic for joint and muscle pain — and it’s all centered on you, your life, your needs. So how do we do it? We combine expert clinical care and advanced technology — Enso®, computer vision, and more — to help you move beyond pain, avoid unnecessary surgeries, and reduce opioid use. We’re working to remove barriers between you and the moments that bring you joy so you can focus on the things you love.

We believe a joyful life hinges on your ability to move freely

We’ve built a new kind of digital clinic for joint and muscle pain — and it’s all centered on you, your life, your needs. So how do we do it? We combine expert clinical care and advanced technology — Enso®, computer vision, and more — to help you move beyond pain, avoid unnecessary surgeries, and reduce opioid use. We’re working to remove barriers between you and the moments that bring you joy so you can focus on the things you love.

Ce que nous faisons chez Hinge Health

We believe a joyful life hinges on your ability to move freely

We’ve built a new kind of digital clinic for joint and muscle pain — and it’s all centered on you, your life, your needs. So how do we do it? We combine expert clinical care and advanced technology — Enso®, computer vision, and more — to help you move beyond pain, avoid unnecessary surgeries, and reduce opioid use. We’re working to remove barriers between you and the moments that bring you joy so you can focus on the things you love.

We believe a joyful life hinges on your ability to move freely

We’ve built a new kind of digital clinic for joint and muscle pain — and it’s all centered on you, your life, your needs. So how do we do it? We combine expert clinical care and advanced technology — Enso®, computer vision, and more — to help you move beyond pain, avoid unnecessary surgeries, and reduce opioid use. We’re working to remove barriers between you and the moments that bring you joy so you can focus on the things you love.

Ce qui nous motive

Nos principes de leadership agissent comme une boussole, guidant nos actions quotidiennes

Récompenses et reconnaissance
